In “Mango in the Buddha history”, I mentioned about Yamaka Parihariya, which occurred after the Buddha forbid all sangha to perform the supernatural power. The origin of this forbidden is caused by the sangha name Pindola Bhāradvāja shows the miracle to receive the monk’s bowl made from “red Chan wood”. After I finish that work, I wonder that what kind of wood that made this monk’s bowl because all Chan wood in Thailand (Mansonia gagei) is not red! In fact, its color is yellow to light brown.
So, what exactly is the wood made the mentioned monk’s bowl?
There are some plants in Indian continent that also called “Chan” in Thailand although they aren’t Mansonia gagei. One of them is the sandalwood or Santalum album, an endangered species originated from South India continent. This plant is the main source of sandalwood oil production, of course it contains strong fragrant. However, like Mansonia gagei, its wood is not red but white to light brown like its name (A’bum means “white”). This plant could not be the “red Chan wood” in the Buddha history.
Another plant that looks resemble to the sandalwood is red sandalwood or Pterocarpus santalinus (santalinus means “like the sandalwood”). Unlike the “true” sandalwood, this plant has no fragrant. Red sandalwood is close to Burma Padauk (Pterocarpus macrocarpus), which is the national flower of Myanmar. Because the red sandalwood has reddish heartwood, this plant might be the “red Chan wood” mentioned in the Buddha history and might be the material for mentioned monk’s bowl.
Is there any Chan plant in Thailand that has red heartwood? The answer is “Yes!” Some Dracaena species in Thailand can produce red heartwood when attacked by the fungi. This infected wood is used in traditional medicine to lower all kind of fever. This infected might be the candidate of the “red Chan wood” in the Buddha history.
Moreover, the sap released from Dracaena plants is also red. This sap is the material to produce the famous folk medicine known as “Dragon’s blood”, which is used as an ultimate remedy mainly treated in respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases.
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